23 research outputs found

    FDD massive MIMO channel spatial covariance conversion using projection methods

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    Knowledge of second-order statistics of channels (e.g. in the form of covariance matrices) is crucial for the acquisition of downlink channel state information (CSI) in massive MIMO systems operating in the frequency division duplexing (FDD) mode. Current MIMO systems usually obtain downlink covariance information via feedback of the estimated covariance matrix from the user equipment (UE), but in the massive MIMO regime this approach is infeasible because of the unacceptably high training overhead. This paper considers instead the problem of estimating the downlink channel covariance from uplink measurements. We propose two variants of an algorithm based on projection methods in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space that exploit channel reciprocity properties in the angular domain. The proposed schemes are evaluated via Monte Carlo simulations, and they are shown to outperform current state-of-the art solutions in terms of accuracy and complexity, for typical array geometries and duplex gaps.Comment: Paper accepted on 29/01/2018 for presentation at ICASSP 201

    Downlink channel spatial covariance estimation in realistic FDD massive MIMO systems

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    The knowledge of the downlink (DL) channel spatial covariance matrix at the BS is of fundamental importance for large-scale array systems operating in frequency division duplexing (FDD) mode. In particular, this knowledge plays a key role in the DL channel state information (CSI) acquisition. In the massive MIMO regime, traditional schemes based on DL pilots are severely limited by the covariance feedback and the DL training overhead. To overcome this problem, many authors have proposed to obtain an estimate of the DL spatial covariance based on uplink (UL) measurements. However, many of these approaches rely on simple channel models, and they are difficult to extend to more complex models that take into account important effects of propagation in 3D environments and of dual-polarized antenna arrays. In this study we propose a novel technique that takes into account the aforementioned effects, in compliance with the requirements of modern 4G and 5G system designs. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: [v2] is the version accepted at GlobalSIP 2018. Only minor changes mainly in the introductio

    Robust cell-free mmWave/sub-THz access using minimal coordination and coarse synchronization

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    This study investigates simpler alternatives to coherent joint transmission for supporting robust connectivity against signal blockage in mmWave/sub-THz access networks. By taking an information-theoretic viewpoint, we demonstrate analytically that with a careful design, full macrodiversity gains and significant SNR gains can be achieved through canonical receivers and minimal coordination and synchronization requirements at the infrastructure side. Our proposed scheme extends non-coherent joint transmission by employing a special form of diversity to counteract artificially induced deep fades that would otherwise make this technique often compare unfavorably against standard transmitter selection schemes. Additionally, the inclusion of an Alamouti-like space-time coding layer is shown to recover a significant fraction of the optimal performance. Our conclusions are based on an insightful multi-point intermittent block fading channel model that enables rigorous ergodic and outage rate analysis, while also considering timing offsets due to imperfect delay compensation. Although simplified, our approach captures the essential features of modern mmWave/sub-THz communications, thereby providing practical design guidelines for realistic systems

    Characterization of the weak Pareto boundary of resource allocation problems in wireless networks -- Implications to cell-less systems

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    We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a network configuration to provide utilities that are both fair and efficient in a well-defined sense. To cover as many applications as possible with a unified framework, we consider utilities defined in an axiomatic way, and the constraints imposed on the feasible network configurations are expressed with a single inequality involving a monotone norm. In this setting, we prove that a necessary and sufficient condition to obtain network configurations that are efficient in the weak Pareto sense is to select configurations attaining equality in the monotone norm constraint. Furthermore, for a given configuration satisfying this equality, we characterize a criterion for which the configuration can be considered fair for the active links. We illustrate potential implications of the theoretical findings by presenting, for the first time, a simple parametrization based on power vectors of achievable rate regions in modern cell-less systems subject to practical impairments.Comment: Accepted at IEEE ICC 202

    UL-DL duality for cell-free massive MIMO with per-AP power and information constraints

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    We derive a novel uplink-downlink duality principle for optimal joint precoding design under per-transmitter power and information constraints in fading channels. The information constraints model limited sharing of channel state information and data bearing signals across the transmitters. The main application is to cell-free networks, where each access point (AP) must typically satisfy an individual power constraint and form its transmit signal using limited cooperation capabilities. Our duality principle applies to ergodic achievable rates given by the popular hardening bound, and it can be interpreted as a nontrivial generalization of a previous result by Yu and Lan for deterministic channels. This generalization allows us to study involved information constraints going beyond the simple case of cluster-wise centralized precoding covered by previous techniques. Specifically, we show that the optimal joint precoders are, in general, given by an extension of the recently developed team minimum mean-square error method. As a particular yet practical example, we then solve the problem of optimal local precoding design in user-centric cell-free massive MIMO networks subject to per-AP power constraints

    Conceptions optimales pour la transmission décentralisée avec information asymétrique sur l'état du canal

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    The performance of wireless networks can be substantially enhanced by allowing cooperation among geographically distributed transmitters. However, in order to capitalize on transmitter cooperation in a scalable and cost-effective manner, future generation networks are expected to decentralize an increasing number of operations which were originally conceived for centrally controlled systems. On the physical layer side, decentralizing the transmission opens a Pandora's box of research problems dealing with the possibly limited sharing of crucial control information, e.g., about the channel state. Unfortunately, as of today, very little is known on how to optimally design decentralized transmission techniques operating under asymmetry of information. Therefore, for transmitter cooperation to find its rightful place within future wireless standards, it is imperative to place the understanding of these techniques on a more solid ground.Les performances des réseaux sans fil peuvent être considérablement améliorées en permettant la coopération entre des émetteurs géographiquement distribués. Toutefois, afin de profiter de la coopération entre émetteurs de manière évolutive et avec un bon rapport coût-efficacité, les réseaux de la future génération devraient décentraliser un nombre croissant d'opérations conçues à l'origine pour des systèmes à contrôle centralisé. Du côté de la couche physique, la décentralisation de la transmission ouvre une boîte de Pandore pleine de problèmes de recherche concernant le partage potentiellement limité d'informations de contrôle cruciales, par exemple sur l'état du canal. Malheureusement, à ce jour, on sait très peu sur comment concevoir de manière optimale des techniques de transmission décentralisées opérant avec asymétrie d'information. Par conséquent, pour que la coopération entre émetteurs trouve la place qui lui revient dans les futures spécifications des réseaux sans fil, il est impératif de donner à la compréhension de ces techniques une base plus solide

    Precoding for cooperative MIMO channels with asymmetric feedback

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    Downlink channel spatial covariance estimation in realistic FDD massive MIMO systems

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